A Good Home, Amaryllis in Bloom, An Honest House, Blessings, Cycling, Family, Family Moments, Friendship, Pets, Re-blooming Amaryllis Bulbs

Great Moments

I’m big on the small things in life.

Blog Photo - Amaryllis in full bloom~The amaryllis that flowered again – two years after it first bloomed at Christmas, a  gift from my friend Jean. How lovely to have an amaryllis reblooming in May!

~My husband cycling again.  For my birthday gift, I asked him to “go cycling with Bill”. Bill is his former coach and dear friend. So off they went, and that started him cycling again.

Blog Photo - Cyclists B and H

Our wet winter meant he hadn’t gone cross-country skiing and missed the activity.

Blog Photo - H cross country skiing~Our older daughter and son-in-law live in the USA, and I miss them a lot. I look forward to hearing from them, including their weekly call together on a Sunday. I also miss their cats, Simon and Jerome.

So it made my day when they sent new photos of the cats. Below, Jerome is practicing the art of camouflage. Can you even see him?

Blog Photo - Jerry camouflaged on carpet

Simon, meanwhile, has come out of the closet. (Yes, for years  – until very recently — his favourite place was inside a closet.)

Blog Photo - Simon 2

Blog Photo - Dawson runs

~Dawson, whom our younger daughter rescued four years ago, was looking weak the other day, especially when compared to Julius, who has energy to spare.

Blog Photo - Two Small Dogs

Mr. D. is old now, and he’s mostly blind and part-deaf. But he must have heard me fretting about whether “we’ve arrived at that time”, because, just hours later, he was running around. One day a decision will have to be made, but not yet.

~And finally, the daily phone call from our younger daughter. She calls after work each day and when the phone rings, I’m delighted, eager to hear how her day went, glad to hear her voice.

Such blessings.

Here’s to life!





69 thoughts on “Great Moments”

  1. Clif and I also love simple pleasures, and it is my belief that unless you do, life is going to be fairly flat. Let’s face it, most people’s lives are filled with everyday events. So let’s enjoy the good things!

  2. Yes, here’s to life Cynthia, what an uplifting post. My husband likes to cycle, I really enjoy he does that too and Dawson is very sweet, I hope he continues to share your life for much longer.

  3. Oh wow, this is great news, Cynthia! … Great moments indeed! You must feel on top of the world for all the progress he has made… so very well done! Love the animals… cats and dogs. Special blessings to Mr D. How could you not simply adore him? 😀 They’re all adorable of course. 😉 May you continue to be enriched by blessings in abundance.

  4. A beautiful tribute to life, Cynthia! I feel for you and Hamlin about that upcoming decision, having made it myself a number of times of the years. It never gets an easier. They do tend let us know when, if we listen.

    Kate Wolf wrote a beautiful song called “Times We’re Living In”. Your post brought that song to mind.

    1. Thanks, Lavinia. and I listened to the music – kept it going for quite a while, because I enjoyed it very much. I will be listening to your music soon. Can hardly wait!

  5. Love exotic flowers and that amaryllis is beautiful.

    My partner’s cycled on and off for years, unlike me, but he’s never been a sports cyclist, even though all our neighbours seem to think he is. Nope. It’s just a little exercise, that blows off the cobwebs, and doesn’t cost fuel when he goes into town shopping. Some years ago, we met Sean Kelly (famous Irish cyclist), when we were cycling in Spain, and rode and chatted together. Him and a group of cyclists were taking blind people cycling, but we met them on a day off. And Sean said, cycling is something you can always do, at any age. And so it is. Not that I’ve jumped back on my bike recently …

    Animals bring us such joy. I truly feel we are honoured that they let us share their lives with their (mostly) undemanding presence.

    1. Thank you, K. It gives me joy to watch Hamlin and his cycling buddies hit the trail. They get exercise and I can see that they are truly happy, though they groan about the tall hills….

  6. Your great moments are nearly all family related and so are mine too. The kind of precious moments that money can’ t buy. Thank you for sharing yours.

  7. This is lovely Cynthia! So true that it is those simple things that bring the most happiness. Family, flowers, pets – they all bring such joy. Thank you for sharing these simple pleasures.
    – Kate x

  8. We ignore these special, personal moments at our peril. This is where ‘life’ is. Nowhere else can we experience such happiness and contentment and also unhappiness and anxiety. Without these emotions we are not truly alive I think.

    1. Clare, your words really went straight to my heart. It’s so true that our most blissful as well as our bleakest moments come in the personal sphere/the family sphere.

  9. Cynthia,
    I am so pleased to see Hamlin on his bike. Just finished your book and remembered his health scare. Glad to see all family members enjoying the fine Canadian outdoors.
    Hope you are well and happy and I promise a glowing review on Amazon, really enjoyed the book.

    1. Thank you, Amy. Having read both my books, you know how much it means to me to see him up and at ’em!
      And thank you for your review. I look forward to it, and really appreciate it!

  10. The famous architect Mies Van der Rohe said that God was in the details. I, too, am of the firm opinion that it is the ordinary which makes life beautiful. And aIunderstand your conundrum about Mr. D. Just last month I had to make that awful decision to have my dear old dog Chloë euthanized. I still become tearful now, just typing this. I hope it all goes peacefully and well.

    1. Ah, Cynthia. And I got teary reading this too. Condolences, my dear. If anyone wants to see your statement in action, (that it is the ordinary which makes life beautiful) all they have to do is visit your blog. You are a truly remarkable poet. Some poetry leaves me cold – it’s like art that is so abstract I cannot find an entry point to it — but your poetry draws me in every time. Congratulations to you, and … Keep writing!

  11. isn’t it always the small everyday things that really are the ones which make us rich. beautiful amaryllis! i actually have a cactus about to bloom which does so once or twice a year, most years. it’s a blossom that takes weeks to grow and when it blooms, it lasts about 24 hours. all that effort and energy for such a short showing.
    and yet there is wonder in that showing. and as you’ve indicated, there is wonder in all those rich moments we are privileged to enjoy. sorry to hear about your aging pup Mr D, and yet happy to hear he’s still enjoying life too. i have a soft spot for those furry friends. bless him, and you, as you enjoy all those moments you are still able to enjoy together. thanks for sharing.

    1. Well said, Kerry. I count it as a triumph that I am able to notice and give thanks for these things. There was a time when I saw the bad stuff much more than the good stuff, but the day I started counting my blessings was an important one.

  12. Big at little things, that is so beautiful. My sons are In Canada while we are in America, all these new media forms are such a blessing. I am so happy to hear from them every day. I said the other day: ” We are good at being a long distance family” So are you and your beautiful family xo Johanna

    1. Yes, Johanna, I know how you close your family is and how much hearing from/seeing your sons matters to you. Thank you for your note, and best wishes to your family.

  13. Beautiful pic of amaryllis! I have 4 plants that flower every spring (red like yours) every year I am stunned at their beauty & grateful for them. After a long winter that gigantic bright red flower is just what I need to see.

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