#GlobalSussexBabyShower, A Good Home

A Royal Surprise

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Harry and Meghan) were caught by surprise last week when an online baby shower was mysteriously launched in their honour.

They hadn’t seen it coming, and no-one knew the identity of the people behind it.

Blog Photo - baby Shower - Sussexes

What the Duke and Duchess of Sussex knew was that money and good wishes were pouring in from across the world to support some of their favourite charities, as part of something called #GlobalSussexBabyShower. 

They sent their thanks via Instagram:

Blog Photo - Baby Shower thanks from DDoS


Starting today, I’m sharing the story of the people behind the charitable drive, why they did it, and how I became involved.


If The Sussex Squad were an organization, it would be a multi-national, spread across dozens of countries.

But there is no organizational flow-chart, no official leaders, no official address, and no official membership. Instead, there are hundreds of devoted fans who share a common affection for Harry and Meghan, and a desire to protect them from media and online abuse.

Blog Photo - MM and PH in Morocco - Credit Kensington Palace

The #GlobalSussexBabyShower is the first project they’ve undertaken together, and the planning of it was sudden and … unusual.

Four women – 3 from the US, 1 from the Caribbean — found themselves thinking along similar lines in the last week of March.  All wanted to “do something” to show their admiration for the couple’s compassion and empathy, and to combat  “online bullying” of the couple.

“Mel” saw a tweet “from someone who said they hoped the Duke and Duchess know they are supported”.  She responded with an idea: Why not hold an online baby shower, and invite Sussex fans worldwide to donate to orphanages and children’s charities?

Blog Photo - Baby shower - Florida seniors - Credit - Sun-Sentinel
Credit: Lisa Sileo, Acts Retirement

“Mimi”, also American, saw an article about a group of Florida senior citizens who hosted a baby shower for Meghan and donated baby supplies. She thought: “ ‘What a pure and sweet idea’.”

“Luckily, my fellow Sussex Squad members had the same idea. I saw that Mel had tweeted about having an online baby shower and I added that we could also raise money for the charities that Harry and Meghan support. Freepeeper and I started DM-ing ideas.”

Blog Photo - Baby shower - Meghan Harry and Child
Credit: WellChild

The minute “Brenda”, a university lecturer from the Caribbean, read the idea on Twitter, she became enthusiastic about it, “not knowing it would be such a huge hit”.

That was Thursday, March 28.


I, meanwhile, was also ‘Dm-ing’ with someone that night.

When the online shower idea first came up on Twitter, someone tweeted that perhaps I’d be interested in doing a story about it.

“Send me a news release,” I tweeted back.  I got no reply.

I contacted Tina, one of two women who run the “Sussex Squad Podcast” heard by followers from 71 countries. We’d communicated when I was researching an earlier story.

Blog Photo - Credit WellChild Awards

I soon discovered that no-one in the small group of planners knew how to write a news release. (Highly accomplished in their business and professional fields, yes, but not in dealing with the media.)

My husband and I drafted the release, telling the Sussex Squad members to fill in the gaps and send it out. It was a bit strange: I had never drafted a news release that would be sent back to myself!

My husband, a former newsroom editor and TV news anchor, said, “This idea could be really successful if done right. Why don’t you help them?”

Tina (of Sussex Squad Podcast) would later say that I lit a fire under them that Thursday night. An emergency conference call was held.

Before the night was out, I helped the group to draw up an initial media list, assign roles, choose the charities that would benefit, and create an overall strategy using Twitter and traditional media to get the larger group involved.

 The plan was made and set in motion.


Freepeeper worked swiftly to design a video and text for Twitter. It was attractive and skillfully worded.

Blog Photo - Baby Shower

Known to be eloquent and level-headed, she agreed to be the group’s spokesperson.

“When Freepeeper actually ran with the idea,” Brenda says, “I felt a rush of satisfaction because we could finally do something for this beleaguered couple that would make us happy and shine a light on their work and positive contribution.”

Blog Photo - Baby shower Announcement

The Twitter announcement was launched the next day, Friday, March 29 and quickly retweeted by members of The Sussex Squad.  It announced the kick-off for that Sunday, which happened to be Mothering Sunday in Britain.

But excited fans couldn’t wait.  Charities started receiving donations from around the world almost right away.

Despite my husband’s prediction, I was shocked at how fast the campaign grew. I wasn’t the only one.


Tomorrow: Part 2 – The Charities are inundated.


36 thoughts on “A Royal Surprise”

  1. Oh wow! Great stuff – Hallelujah!! Cynthia you have made my day! I’m not on any social media (apart from blogging) as a one woman protest against all the negative and nasty stuff I came across, so I knew nothing of this initiative. How wonderful and I’m so happy to hear you and your husband could take such a role too – good work!! I love to hear when the good folk come out and flood the world with good stuff. Strange though how this hasn’t (yet) made my news feed…..

    1. Thank you! It’s been in all the British papers and onlines except, I think, my fave – The Guardian. In the US, it has had tremendous coverage too. Just google Global Sussex Baby Shower and you should see dozens of articles.

      1. It’s not had a mention in any of the ones I read – clearly have to change my subscriptions – but yes, thanks for the tip, I found lots by googling. It is heartbreaking to me that when I stand at the market checkout I can see a dozen magazines featuring negative headlines about the Royals and not one of them honest or brave enough to refuse to play that game.

  2. I love it, I’ve seen all this movement from afar (Ecuador) and it’s lovely to see the response of the people. Thanks for the article.

  3. I was so thrilled when I saw that the Royal couple had started their own IG site. I thought that was a brilliant move but this Global Baby Shower is another level up. So proud of what you have all done. It’s one thing to report and shut down hateful media but using positive measures to take the wind out of hatred is a much more successful strategy.

    1. Thanks, Andrea. As you know, I have been horrified by the negativity toward this couple for a long time now. So it’s refreshing to both help and write about people who are focused on doing something positive for them and others.

  4. This is such an uplifting and feel good uniting of people. This grassroots initiative literally happened at the perfect time too! I am a proud member of the Sussex Squad and was excited to see how everyone worked together to make this project successful! This is one of the greatest examples of how women could and should be directing global civic advocacy! I’m so happy to see this story being told.

  5. Thanks for describing the way #GlobalBabySussexShower was born and crediting the women who crystallized the idea. It’s a brilliant idea and gave us something positive and concrete to focus on while waiting for the birth.

  6. This is wonderful, Cynthia! I knew of the event of course, but with no idea of what or who might be behind it. Well done to all of you!

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